Monday, July 7, 2008

Catch 22

Sam I am is going to buy this novel...anyone else? Post a comment by book. This is the first book I'm aware of, so tell your friends to let me know what novels to post.


Kristen said...

I'm reading Catch 22 right now, I just started it. It's so interesting right off the bat though. Yossarian seems like such a multi-demensional charecter, he's very comical, and yet there's always that question of his sanity :)

Sam I Am said...

I'm not very far into it yet...but is Yossarian gay? I'm getting a little creeped out of him...

Sam I Am said...

After reading through other peoples thoughts, criticisms and analysis' I understand this novel much more. I can appreciate the humor in it.I also discovered there's a sequal...I hadn't known that in the beginning.

Ivanna Fritz said...

What criticisms or analysis did you read? Was it online so I can link it? Are you starting/working on the project?

Sam I Am said...

I read through the wikipedia entry...that opened my eyes to a lot of things

I also read through character analysis from this site:

I read through an interview between ABC's Ramona Koval and Joseph Heller

Other sources of information I cant remember the site sources, sorry!

...the project only exists in my head as of now :)